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Wally Bayola and Yosh Video Scandal goes viral

Comedian Wally Bayola and Yosh Sex Video Scandal goes viral and popular online. The video scandal of Wally Bayola and Yosh (E Babe dancer) became a buzz in social medias and online and it spreading across the internet. It was not yet confirmed whether it is Wally but many said the boy in the video is like him. 

Refernce: Trending Video

The video shows a bald man who looks like Bayola having sex with a girl who looks like EB Babe dancer Yosh. The video was uploaded on YouTube on Monday (September 2).
Bayola and Yosh have yet to comment on the authenticity of the video.
On Twitter and Facebook, some netizens believe that Bayola and the EB Babe dancer are the ones seen on the video.

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