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Ariella Arida in Yamamay Bikinis - Sexy Body in Swimsuit Photos

Ariella Arida of Philippines show off her beautiful and sexy body in Swimsuit photoshoot for Miss Universe 2013. Candidates of Miss Universe poses in Yamamay bikinis, the official swimwear sponsor of 62nd edition of the Miss Universe. The photoshoot taken in  Crown Plaza Moscow World Trade Center with the photoshoot theme: ”2014 Yamamay for Miss Universe Collection.”

All of the 89 official delegates in the Miss Universe in Moscow has finally arrived and they are currently preparing for the “Big Day” on November 9, 2013, at the Crocus City Hall, in Moscow, Russia.

Some of the most popular celebrities who were Yamamay models were Jennifer Lopez, Federica Pellegrini, Martina Stella, Luca Marin and Alessandro Calvi. Aside from Yamamay bikinis, the company is also expanding into beauty products, Yamamay beauty and Yamamay Shoes.
Photos of Yamamay Bikinis - Miss Universe 2013

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