Japan's Prime Minister Shinzo Abe allegedly declared reporter Korina Sanchez as Persona Non Grata over "wishing ill will against others". Korina Sanchez comments about the typhoon Ruby (Hagupit) "Pwede bang sa kanila nalang lahat" which video became viral and trending online. The video and comments of Korina Sanchez angers netizens specially in Japan.

The news link about the declaration surfaced online Pinoy Favoritesand shared in facebook. It was not clear whether the news of Korina Sanchez declared Persona Non Grata in Japan is real or fake. But many said it's not real and it's just made ng mga walang magawang tao.

The said incident happened on TV Patrol December 3, 2014 episode during their finale speech.

Korina: Kaya pa nating idasal yan para lumihis.
Noli: Hati-hati nalang tayo, kalahati sa Pilipinas, kalahati sa Japan
Korina: Pwede bang sa kanila nalang lahat kasi parang mas kaya nila.
It was remembered last year when super typhoon Yolanda onslaught Tacloban City. Korina Sanchez's video became viral about her comments to Cooper Anderson.